Document Management System (DMS)


DynamicHRIS’s DMS allows organizations to completely manage the document lifecycle including document scanning, uploading, document check-in, check-out, document versioning, locating physical location, document archival, backup and recovery, email notification and alerts, document indexing, editing document properties, meta-data and keeping document search friendly. DynamicHRIS can also be customized for document generation based on transactions, which can be very useful in managing documents in a structured environment thus saving loads of manual efforts. It is majorly used for records management and contracts management.


Document Lifecycle

DynamicHRIS DMS tracks the life cycle of records and documents from creation till archival where all official records and documents will be filed into the system.

Scanning and Upload

DMS assists throughout the lifecycle of paper management of electronic records and documents,from registration to destruction or preservation.

Folder and Files

Allows user to create different folders and add articles, files in folder. Can add / embed external links, images, videos, PDFs, etc. in folders.

Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

DynamicHRIS’s DMS can retrieve files by any word or phrase in the document known as full text search – a capability that is impossible with paper. With our Optical Character Recognition (OCR) functionality, we can also search within the document be it PDF, WORD, PPT or Excel.

Archiving and Versioning

Keeping archival versions of documents in a DMS helps protect paper documents that still have to be retained from over-handling and keeps electronic documents in a non-proprietary and native format such as Microsoft Word or Excel.Archival process helps organizations to save documents securely on SharePoint and access it.

Document Generation

DynamicHRIS can also generate documents / legal formats / contracts etc. based on transactions. The generated documents can be automatically stored in Files and Folders as per your organization Financial Year wise / Client wise folder structure. This helps in managing the documents more effectively.