Training Management System


Training management forms a key part of organizational policy, compliance, environmental and quality control frameworks. DynamicHRIS Training Management provides an integrated system to manage training programs across the enterprise. It streamlines and standardizes the process of developing training curricular, planning and implementing training programs.


Training Calendar

Administer and organize employee training easier. DynamicHRIS Training Management never loses track of dates, topics, attendees or deadlines. Organize and Set monthly / annual training calendar.

Courses and Libraries

DynamicHRIS can maintain various training course material, including multi-media, PDF, Word, Excel, PowerPoint and instructor-led courses. It helps in consolidating courses in a central repository for quick reference.

Training Event Details

Add information about individual training events, eg: If the number of participants is restricted, you can limit the number of registrations. Parallel you can also specify the skills required for the training event for the attendees.


Employees can search training events. Interested employees can sign up for the training with a simple click. DynamicHRIS will immediately notify the employee via an invitation and the employee can be updated on it.


DynamicHRIS can send feedback forms to attendees. Additionally the survey’s questions can be customized to suit your requirements. If required, you can even design your own feedback form for each individual training event.

Reports and Metrics

Provides configurable reports to track course completion, gaps,instructor and course lists thereby helping to generate training certificates. It also helps analyze training metrics based on multiple parameters.